
Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

We write about the Wealth Building Pyramid and how to build wealth with great tools, mindset and habits. Join us every Thursday by subscribing below.

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🥳 7 Ways to Live for Today & Save for Tomorrow + 🏳️‍🌈 Kansas

Welcome to the 19 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,131 readers. Did you vote this week? We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL! Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow? Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on: Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today? This was a question...

Welcome to the 19 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,131 readers. Did you vote this week? We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL! Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow? Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on: Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today? This was a question...

Welcome to the 68 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,113 readers. A big welcome to all our new subscribers from the ROMBA conference. We're baaaack! We've taken a few weeks off to ponder and pivot in our personal and business lives. We needed a break and things have been a bit broken for us. One of the great things we did on our time off was to head up to Detroit for a live show, which we haven't been to in well over a year. It gave David a chance to dance. (He really is a dancing...

Hi Reader, What does risk vs reward mean? I’m gonna call on Berne Brown here when she referenced Theodore Roosevelt, “The credit belongs to the person [sic. man] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy...

Hi Reader, What does risk vs reward mean? I’m gonna call on Berne Brown here when she referenced Theodore Roosevelt, “The credit belongs to the person [sic. man] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy...

Hi Reader, What does risk vs reward mean? I’m gonna call on Berne Brown here when she referenced Theodore Roosevelt, “The credit belongs to the person [sic. man] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy...

Hi Reader, Struggling with the cost of living? Most everyone is – 4 out of 5 consumers say they’ve changed their spending habits due to inflation. Unhappy at work? Join the club – in August, workforce happiness reached its lowest point since the height of the pandemic. Think you’re not being paid fairly? You’re not – average real wages have grown by just 0.7% annually over the half-century beginning in February 1973. Struggling with debt? It’s not just you – credit card debt alone crossed the...

Hi Reader, Struggling with the cost of living? Most everyone is – 4 out of 5 consumers say they’ve changed their spending habits due to inflation. Unhappy at work? Join the club – in August, workforce happiness reached its lowest point since the height of the pandemic. Think you’re not being paid fairly? You’re not – average real wages have grown by just 0.7% annually over the half-century beginning in February 1973. Struggling with debt? It’s not just you – credit card debt alone crossed the...

Welcome to the 21 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,066 readers. Sunday fun day! What do you do to take a break without breaking the bank? We recently discovered that a local microbrewery here in Toledo does Sunday Funday $1.50 12 oz cans of fantastic beer. So, this past Sunday we took the kids to check it out and got out of there for a whopping $9+ tax & tip or $15 for the two of us. Here's Loki and Luca waiting for another treat since we were having ours in beverage form. What's...

Hi Reader, Over the last 5+ years, we've helped hundreds of people pay off millions of dollars in debt. Why though? Was zero the goal all along? Really, when you think about it, is that where you wanted to get to or where you're headed now? What happens when all the debt is gone? Will it be enough to stop there? What else? For us, the initial goal was getting rid of the stress that came with having $51,000 in debt. Don't get us wrong, it was a huge relief to have it all paid off nearly 3...