🥳 7 Ways to Live for Today & Save for Tomorrow + 🏳️‍🌈 Kansas

Welcome to the 19 new readers this week!
Queer Money now has 2,131 readers.

Did you vote this week?

We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL!

Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow?

Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes

Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on:

How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today?

This was a question from the audience when we spoke at the ROMBA conference in Chicago.

We've got you covered in this week's episode.

It’s tempting to jump on the consumption train and prioritize the things you want right now. But your future self will suffer.

So, how do you balance the needs of your past, present and future self? How do you put away money for retirement and still do the things that matter to you in this moment?

On this episode of Queer Money, we’re sharing seven steps to save for tomorrow without sacrificing your quality of life today.

We challenge you to get clear on what’s important to you, calculate your retirement number and adjust your cash flow accordingly.

Listen in for insight on saving for emergencies and specific goals—and learn how to manage your expenses in alignment with your goals, starting today!

Topics covered:

  • 7 steps to save for tomorrow but still live well today
  • How we benefited from getting crystal clear on what really matters to us
  • Our preferred method of calculating your retirement number
  • How to adjust your cashflow based on your estimated retirement number
  • The advantage of building your emergency savings in a high-yield savings account
  • How to open a sinking funds account to save for particular goals
  • Managing expenses in alignment with your goals via a ‘no-budget budget’
  • Why the best time to start saving for retirement is NOW
  • The reward for frontloading your 401(k) with the maximum for the first 5 years

This week our Gay Cities series heads to this side of the rainbow. We're talking Kansas

Which cities do you think were the most affordable & LGBTQ+ friendly?

video preview

For the data of all the cities/states that we've analyzed, click here.

Your Weekly Queer Money Takeaway:

Rethinking the order in which we spend is key to reaching financial independence.

Your takeaway this week is to take a few minutes to honestly consider if you pay yourself in this order:

  1. Future self first - investing, retirement, savings
  2. Past self second - paying bills on things we've already purchased (car payment, credit cards, rent/mortgage, etc.)
  3. Present self third - the fun money to spend on whatever YOU choose

Paying yourself in this order increases the likelihood you won't end up looking back with regrets about not saving enough for retirement, emergencies or big purchases like a home.

If you missed episode 452 listen here.

Thank you for reading and have a great week,

BTW, we spend over $30,000 a year, before we pay ourselves, to produce and share the Queer Money podcast. One of the ways we pay for that is when we get paid by a brand for sharing their tools and services. When you click on a link and sign up for a service we may get paid (at no additional cost to you). Thank's for helping us keep Queer Money free to the LGBTQ+ community and our allies.

P.S. We’re on a mission to grow a financially strong 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ community by creating 1 million LGBTQ+ millionaires. Join us and help grow your community by sharing this newsletter with friends who would appreciate it. Just click forward and send.

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Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

We write about the Wealth Building Pyramid and how to build wealth with great tools, mindset and habits. Join us every Thursday by subscribing below.

Read more from Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

Welcome to the 19 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,131 readers. Did you vote this week? We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL! Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow? Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on: Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today? This was a question...

Welcome to the 68 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,113 readers. A big welcome to all our new subscribers from the ROMBA conference. We're baaaack! We've taken a few weeks off to ponder and pivot in our personal and business lives. We needed a break and things have been a bit broken for us. One of the great things we did on our time off was to head up to Detroit for a live show, which we haven't been to in well over a year. It gave David a chance to dance. (He really is a dancing...

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