🙀Is this risky?

Hi Reader,

What does risk vs reward mean?

I’m gonna call on Berne Brown here when she referenced Theodore Roosevelt, The credit belongs to the person [sic. man] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause.”

What is a more worthy cause than pursuing a life full of happiness, choice and freedom?

But what does it take to have that kind of life?

Per Berne and many others, it takes being in the arena!

So… are you?

Are you in the arena?

Are you willing to risk taking the steps from the cheap seats where it’s easy to judge and cross the line to get on the field and pursue the results of taking that risk? Do you want the rewards?

Do you want greater happiness?

Do you want more choices?

Do you want freedom?

We think you do.

We’re here to hold your hand as you step onto the field. We’re here to coach you along. We’re here to celebrate your wins.

Are you ready?

If you are, then join us in building YOUR Wealth Pyramid.

Your risk

What are you willing to risk to get those rewards?

We get it.

What we are offering isn’t cheap. We want to provide a world-class experience and as you know, world-class experiences aren’t cheap, but they’re worth it.

It’s not for everyone. We’re all at different places. Some of you aren’t financially ready for a risk like this. Some of you are ready and ready for the rewards that come with it.

To be honest, there were plenty of times in our lives when we would have looked at the risk (of $499, $499/mo or $749/mo) and wondered if the risk was worth the rewards.

Looking back on the past few years we’ve taken such risks and we’ve been able to celebrate the rewards.

We’ve lived in Spain for 3 months. We’ve heard the dings of sales from our online small business. We’ve been our own boss. We’re house hacking a real estate investment.

Yet, back in 2020, when the world was going to hell in a handbasket, we were worried that we may have to give it all up and go back to a risk-free life. Our income was way down, while the cost of living was going up. So, we asked ourselves, “do we want to step out of the arena?” Once again, we took the risk and have seen the benefits.

Today, we’re putting that opportunity in front of you.

Come join us.

Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

We write about the Wealth Building Pyramid and how to build wealth with great tools, mindset and habits. Join us every Thursday by subscribing below.

Read more from Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

Welcome to the 19 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,131 readers. Did you vote this week? We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL! Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow? Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on: Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today? This was a question...

Welcome to the 19 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,131 readers. Did you vote this week? We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL! Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow? Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on: Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today? This was a question...

Welcome to the 68 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,113 readers. A big welcome to all our new subscribers from the ROMBA conference. We're baaaack! We've taken a few weeks off to ponder and pivot in our personal and business lives. We needed a break and things have been a bit broken for us. One of the great things we did on our time off was to head up to Detroit for a live show, which we haven't been to in well over a year. It gave David a chance to dance. (He really is a dancing...