👛 Can you have abundance & be broke? + 🏳️‍🌈 Gay Kentucky

Welcome to the 68 new readers this week!
Queer Money now has 2,113 readers.

A big welcome to all our new subscribers from the ROMBA conference.

We're baaaack!

We've taken a few weeks off to ponder and pivot in our personal and business lives.

We needed a break and things have been a bit broken for us.

One of the great things we did on our time off was to head up to Detroit for a live show, which we haven't been to in well over a year. It gave David a chance to dance. (He really is a dancing queen!😜)

Can you have an abundance mindset and be broke?

Queer Money - Episode 450 show notes

Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on:

How do you live a life of abundance—even if you feel broke now?

Leisa Peterson is the author of The Mindful Millionaire: Overcome Scarcity, Experience True Prosperity, and Create the Life You Really Want.

With more than 30 years of experience in finance, Leisa leverages her Wealth Clinic platform to transform lives through heightened money consciousness.

On this episode of Queer Money, Leisa joins us to explain what it means to be a mindful millionaire and why you don’t need a million dollars to live in a place of abundance.

Leisa shares her top meditation and breathwork strategies for recognizing when you’re in a scarcity mindset, disrupting those irrational fears, and overcoming a money story that doesn’t serve you.

Listen in to understand why it’s crucial for the queer community to adopt an abundance mindset and learn her IPROSPER Process for identifying your money blocks and making better financial decisions.

Topics covered:

  • Why your thoughts about money are the real issue (as opposed to money itself)
  • How Leisa leverages meditation to recognize when she’s in a scarcity mindset
  • Leisa’s breathwork practice for disrupting irrational fears around money
  • How understanding where your money story comes from empowers you to change it
  • Why the work of adopting an abundance mindset is crucial for marginalized groups
  • Why it’s so important to make money your HOW rather than your WHYLeisa’s IPROSPER Process for changing your behavior when it comes to money
  • Examples of how common blocks around money relate to the chakras
  • The challenge of transforming patterns around money that don’t serve you
  • Why Leisa suggests small changes and celebrating successes in your financial life
  • How to encourage your ‘inner brat’ when you start a new money habit

Connect with Liesa

This week our Gay Cities series heads to the place where David's mother was born as well as the home of Mr. Purple Rain; Prince, Minnesota.

Which cities do you think were the most affordable & LGBTQ+ friendly?

video preview

For the data of all the cities/states that we've analyzed, click here.

Your Weekly Queer Money Take-away:

Moving from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance isn't easy. It doesn't happen overnight.

If you're struggling we suggest you check out Leisa's book.

If you'd like the chance to win a copy of Leisa's book, hit reply and we'll enter your name in the drawing when we give away a copy.

If you missed episode 450 with Leisa Peterson listen here.

Your Weekly Financial Independence Pro Tip:

Did you know that 85% of folks who have paid off debt say that they did so with the help of a budget?

Why is that?

Much of it has to do with understanding where your money goes and when it comes in.

Sticking to a budget isn't easy though, is it? I mean, we've even failed to stick to one from time to time, especially when we were accumulating our debt.

Do you budget?

One of our favorite budgeting tools is Mint. Sadly, we found out this week it's going away. Free apps are dropping by the wayside because of the costs to keep them going.

If you want to achieve your money goals and you want to do it faster, tracking and knowing where your money is at is vital.

What are your favorite budgeting apps?

Thank you for reading and have a great week,

BTW, we spend over $30,000 a year, before we pay ourselves, to produce and share the Queer Money podcast. One of the ways we pay for that is when we get paid by a brand for sharing their tools and services. When you click on a link and sign up for a service we may get paid (at no additional cost to you). Thank's for helping us keep Queer Money free to the LGBTQ+ community and our allies.

P.S. Our pups (Luca & Loki) are stars! Check out this Tiktok we did with them.

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Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

We write about the Wealth Building Pyramid and how to build wealth with great tools, mindset and habits. Join us every Thursday by subscribing below.

Read more from Hi! We're a John & David (The Debt Free Guys)..

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Welcome to the 19 new readers this week! Queer Money now has 2,131 readers. Did you vote this week? We certainly did! Local elections are one of the reasons we moved to Ohio. We're doing our part to try and help move this state towards being open for ALL! Can you have fun and still save for tomorrow? Queer Money - Episode 452 show notes Listen to (or watch) this week's Queer Money® on: Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube How do you save for tomorrow and still have a life today? This was a question...

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